Category: Uncategorised

Category: Uncategorised

Google Plus
3rd July 2011 Uncategorised admin

  Google entered the world of social networking  with the launch of Orkut in Jauary 24,2004.Facebook another social networking site was launced in Feb 2004.Over the years, we have seen that Facebook has taken over orkut  in terms of number of users. Google plus has been launched by google to take on facebook now.I have explored the

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Microsoft Word :Things you may not know
25th June 2011 Uncategorised admin

1. Paste Special-Whenever, you copy something from internet use paste special and select paste as an unformatted text.This will paste the text in the format of your document.A very good option to use, if you pasting something from internet.(Ctrl+Shift+S). 2. Format Painter: Another very good option to use.Format Painter allows to set the format of

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Manage Slow/Weak Internet Connections
15th April 2011 Uncategorised admin

Suppose you have setup multi-homing and one of your internet connections is from an ISP which provides you with a broadband connection and the other is a slow dialup connection. Now,if you are using a dialup then your heavily loaded browser with lots of addons will take more time to load a particular site.You need

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Fiction turned into Fact: 3D Television
15th April 2011 Uncategorised admin

Television, like most technology, has evolved since its debut. First, there was the switch from black and white to color TV. Then manufacturers began to offer televisions in larger formats using various projection methods. Over the last two decades, we've seen LCD and plasma technologies advance to the point where you can go out and

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Enhance your browser capabilities with Greasemonkey
14th April 2011 Uncategorised admin

Greasemonkey scripts can make your browser very powerful.You can go to and then search by tag which will get you to the right script. For eg. Facebook,gmail,google. Also it is recommended that you read the review before installing a particular script. Every script comes with the source code, so if u have to build

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What Next For Indian IT Industry
11th April 2011 Uncategorised admin

The last decade saw the tremendous growth of a sector in India which expertly utilized the talent pools across the globe and picked up the right set of people at low cost. The Indian IT Industry which contributes to 5.19% of country’s GDP and employees more around 2.5 million people was born in 1967 with

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IP Tables by example
24th February 2011 Uncategorised admin

 I have taken created a LAN between Windows( Host) and a Ubuntu VM(Guest).The Ip address of VM is and that of host is note that IP’s should be in the same subnet for a LAN connection). Iptables is a user space application program that allows a system administrator to configure the tables provided

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Virtualization Software
3rd February 2011 Uncategorised admin

There are commercial products like VMWARE  available to support virtualization. But there are various Open Source tools available that give similar features to the commercial products.Virtualization has been like a revolution and has reduced the cost of the company greatly and virtualization is a part of cloud technology, that makes it a technology to watch out

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Cloud Products
7th August 2010 Uncategorised admin

In this tutorial we describe various products which are based on the cloud technology.  Panda Cloud Antivirus –The first of its kind, Panda has launched an antivirus based on the cloud technology.It is very light weight as the setup file is only about 237 kb odd and during installation only, it downloads other modules which are

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Windows Intune:Cloud management
10th April 2010 Uncategorised admin

The problem with enterprise-class software is that you need an enterprise-class IT department to run it. For small businesses, many useful features of Windows Enterprise edition are too expensive to use. The PC's in the smaller organizations are thus managed inefficiently with inconsistent results and thus the burden on IT-Staff increases to clean up messes

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