Year: 2011

Year: 2011

WAN Optimization
4th December 2011 Uncategorised admin

WAN optimization is a collection of techniques for increasing data-transfer efficiencies across wide area networks. WAN can be optimized by these techniques: Web Caching: Web Caching can be achieved by the use of proxy server.The proxy-server keeps  the frequently requested pages  in the cache , requested from the external web server.So,next time when the request

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Drupal Modules to make a good Website
27th September 2011 Uncategorised admin

  Drupal is a popular php based content management system.It gives you power to develop quick websites and also enough flexibility to customize websites according to your needs.Apart from core modules (modules are piece of code which extends Drupal’s functionality)which are an integral part of a Drupal Installation.There are a few modules which give you

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Enterprise IT sales
16th September 2011 Uncategorised admin

You cannot mint money from the technology unless you understand the business perspective of it.I have made a product , but then I must find a market segment for my product and position it well  to the different buyers.I will have to offer a right product-price mix to my customer to sell the product.Any enterprise

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Global Positioning System
16th September 2011 Uncategorised admin

GPS  or Global Positing System allows you to locate any position in the world by the use of satellite.GPS can help you to locate a friends address or your favourite restaurant near you or a movie cinema.GPS operates by the use of radio waves. To understand GPS better it  can be divided into these three

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The Online Replacement
8th September 2011 Uncategorised admin

In around 1980’s when computer came , we had operating systems like DOS and Unix which provided users with Character User Interface.The windows operating system came up with the Graphical User Interface and came with easy way of accessing programs & applications. This was the era of desktop based software.In 1990, Tim Burners Lee created

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Interbank Mobile Payment Service
26th July 2011 Uncategorised admin

  Few years back, majority of interbank fund transfers were channelized through NEFT(National Electronic Fund Transfer) mechanism. Under NEFT, the transactions were processed and settled in batches. So, it didn’t offer a real time service. RTGS(Real Time Gross Settlement) was launched to provide interbank fund transfers in real time. Further, IMPS was launched on 22nd November

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Best Mozilla Firefox addons
3rd July 2011 Uncategorised admin

1.Adblock Plus: Adblock Plus (ABP) is an extension available for both Google chrome and Mozilla Firefox users.It allows users to prevent the display of advertisments. Adblock blocks HTTP requests according to their source address and can block IFrames, scripts, and Flash. 2.Flashgot:Flashgot extension for firefox provides the links of video and audio clips to be

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Google Plus
3rd July 2011 Uncategorised admin

  Google entered the world of social networking  with the launch of Orkut in Jauary 24,2004.Facebook another social networking site was launced in Feb 2004.Over the years, we have seen that Facebook has taken over orkut  in terms of number of users. Google plus has been launched by google to take on facebook now.I have explored the

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Microsoft Word :Things you may not know
25th June 2011 Uncategorised admin

1. Paste Special-Whenever, you copy something from internet use paste special and select paste as an unformatted text.This will paste the text in the format of your document.A very good option to use, if you pasting something from internet.(Ctrl+Shift+S). 2. Format Painter: Another very good option to use.Format Painter allows to set the format of

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Manage Slow/Weak Internet Connections
15th April 2011 Uncategorised admin

Suppose you have setup multi-homing and one of your internet connections is from an ISP which provides you with a broadband connection and the other is a slow dialup connection. Now,if you are using a dialup then your heavily loaded browser with lots of addons will take more time to load a particular site.You need

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