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Google is the best search engine but do we really know how to use it? Or to Harness its full power?Perhaps not.This article will exactly show you to do the same.
First go to Internet Explorer or Firefox and type in
These are some things that you should always follow;-
Always type in the right keyword.
Try to specify the idea in limited set of keywords.
Avoid using the stop words.
Keep the searching simple.
Now lets understand this by taking an example. Suppose you want to know about the Cricketer 'Sachin Tendulkar'.Then most of you will type in 'Biography of Sachin Tendulkar' in google box. Mark that the text has been typed without the use of quotes.You will get around about 117000 results. Now probably you will try to find the result that most suits you and that may take a long time. Remember, whenever you search try to minimize the no. Of search results by using the right keyword.In the above example there is an redundant word that is 'of' which is used. (which is a stop word). Now google ignores the stop word. So even if you use it or not use it doesnt matter. So its better to type in 'Biography Sachin Tendulkar'.
For the complete list of stop words go to
There is an option 'I am feeling lucky' below the google box. Clicking this will directly lead you to the page which is displayed first in the results.For eg. So 'Biography Sachin Tendulkar' will lead you to the site wikipedia.
Now suppose you wanted to disable 'ethernet in linux' , may be for some reason.You should type disable ethernet linux and NOT disabling ethernet in linux or something like this how to disable ethernet in linux. As I said minimizing the no. Of keywords will lead you to better results.
Suppose you wanted some information about the viruses.(not computer viruses). I mean the biological viruses.Most of you will type in virus.What do you expect as result. I think most of the entries on the first page will contain information about the computer viruses.But did you want that? No.
So better type in virus -computer.
This will return almost all the entries except of those in which computer has been mentioned.So, This filters your search.Mind that there should not be any space between -&computer.
Suppose you wanted search about Java Tutorial. Most of you will type in Java Tutorial. But there is a refined version which may produce more no. Of results.Type in Java ~Tutorial instead. ~ is synonym operator.This will search for google tutorial and will search for synonym words like manual,documentation.You are sitting at home & want to do shopping- or
Now suppose you are downloading some software using & you get sick of it and want to try another site too. How to find a site related to in & press enter.You will see the software download sites like '','' etc in the search results.
The google search bar can used as a calculator too.
Type in 2+3
The result would be five.
For more features go to that harnesses the full power of Google calculator.
Now you are sitting at your home and want to know where are you located.There are two options for this.One is google earth and the other is google maps.
The Google earth free version can be downloaded too.
Now lets return to our query ie. Biography Sachin Tendulkar.If I ever want to search/not search in a particular site,I can do that.For this there is a special google tag 'site:'
You can write in Sachin Tendulkar will search the above query in the site wikipedia only.
And if you want to exclude any site in searching then add '-' prefix before site tag.
If you to find any book go to Google book search.Use
The research related stuff is present at Google Scholar.
Search the content category wise using the Google Directory.Visit for that.
If you have some stuff you can translate it.Go to
If you want to know what people usually search for, go to google
Want to know from where have the google logos come from?The logos has been designed by Dennis Hwang. On Each day there is a different logo. There are some special logos for holidays too.The logos are known as 'Google Doodle'.You can see google doodles at
Now you are at home and you dont have MS Office installed on your computer.So Google has a solution for this too.You can go to Google Docs at Http:// provides online utilities that are similar to word,excel or powerpoint.
You can enjoy searching with good quotes go to
Google Inverse image search – Well, almost everyone knows about google image search, so I am not covering that here.Google image search is used to search for images based on the keyword/search item that we give.Google inverse image search takes an image as an input and tells you the source from which the image comes from.
Lets now try google inverse image search, open google image search by going to this link
Click on this camera icon,upload any image of which you wish to find the source and then you are done.