YPOP:Configure Yahoo with Outlook

YPOP:Configure Yahoo with Outlook
27th December 2008 No Comments Uncategorised admin


Yahoo Pop does not allow free pop3 access. By pop3 I mean the post office protocol 3 which allows you to receive messages from your email server/email service provides to your own desktop through clients like outlook express & Eudora Pro. If you use the outlook you will be free from hassle of logging again and again and checking the mails.


But Yahoo's free service doesnt provide that.So we cant use the outlook directly. But there is a way.


A software known as Ypop. So Ypop is a free tool that allows you to access the mails of your yahoo directly on your desktop PC. Its an open source software.


YPOP Settings


  1. Go to Tools -> Account Settings

  2. Then Click on New Tab

  3. Click next

  4. Click on manually configure server settings.

  5. Click next(Select Internet Email)


Voila:Your Yop is configured , now you can see your yahoo mails with outlook.

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